The fundamental service offered by BioMedIT is provision of B-spaces: secure processing environments for collecting, storing, analysing and learning from health-related data at one of the three BioMedIT nodes. These environments are each specific to a single research project, which allows project members to collaborate from multiple institutions, but also maintains the security of the data imported for the project. While data, applications and methods can be reused within the BioMedIT platform (if applicable), each use should be within the environment for a specific approved research project.
These spaces are composite services that consist of multiple elements and often require customisation per customer, but have some standard starting points and assumptions.
- Services are delivered following a ‘base package,’ of standard components, with a number of additional options which can be added to it. The B-space represents the minimum/standard specifications needed for simple use cases in processing sensitive personal data.
- B-spaces are delivered based on some default assumptions about how service will be used. While delivery can be achieved in other ways, you would need to discuss any variation with your BioMedIT node, as it may require additional risk assessment or other service options.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.