Read the BioMedIT Achievements Report from the initial funding phase (2017-2020).
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Read the BioMedIT Achievements Report from the initial funding phase (2017-2020).
Access the white paper on Zenodo:
Appleton, O., Kapoor, S., Maffioletti, S., Schomo, G., Wiegand, A., Georgakopoulou, S., Lakshmanan Thirunavukkarasu, S., Dessimoz, C., Fabbretti, R., Geiger, T., Rinn, B., & Sengstag, T. (2024). Versatile Trusted Research Environments: An approach for Switzerland (1.02). Zenodo.
Coman Schmid D, Crameri K, Oesterle S, Rinn B, Sengstag T, Stockinger H; BioMedIT Network team. SPHN - The BioMedIT Network: A Secure IT Platform for Research with Sensitive Human Data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020 Jun 16;270:1170-1174. doi: 10.3233/SHTI200348. PMID: 32570566.
Gaudet-Blavignac C, Raisaro J, Touré V, Österle S, Crameri K, Lovis C; A National, Semantic-Driven, Three-Pillar Strategy to Enable Health Data Secondary Usage Interoperability for Research Within the Swiss Personalized Health Network: Methodological Study. JMIR Med Inform. 2021 9(6):e27591. doi: 10.2196/27591
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