The BioMedIT Network

A secure IT environment for the responsible storage and processing of health-related data as a service

The BioMedITNetwork builds on three independent scientific IT competence platforms (the BioMedIT nodes). All three node institutions established a high performance computing infrastructure in addition to their already existing scientific compute clusters, especially designed for the processing of sensitive research data.


Once it is clear what data and compute support a project needs, the project gets onboarded to one of their designated node. As a central entry point and one-stop-shop of BioMedIT, the BioMedIT Portal allows user management as well as data transfer management. Cloud technology enables users to access project data remotely and analyze it in a collaborative fashion.

The network is already connected to various Swiss data providers, enabling secure and automated data delivery to projects. New data providers can be onboarded at any time point. Once a project is onboarded on BioMedIT, data transfers can take place in a standardized way through established pipelines in an end-to-end encrypted fashion. 

BioMedIT is available to all Swiss universities, research institutes, hospitals, service providers and other interested partners to outsource data storage and processing to a secure environment. In addition, and specifically within the framework of the two Swiss national initiatives SPHN and PHRT, the BioMedIT Network can be used for mono- and multi-site, individual and collaborative research projects.

Find out more about the nodes

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