DCC end-user services SLA

1. General Description

This agreement covers the use of DCC technical services by  customers, if no other agreements are in place. Use of these DCC services means that users agree to the conditions described here. The Generic SLA may be extended or replaced by specific SLAs. This SLA is valid from 1 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2025.

2. Scope & description of the service

BioMedIT provides a secure platform for research using sensitive data. It allows for the mobilization of health data, its processing and exploitation in support of improved clinical practice and new biomedical knowledge. BioMedIT provides a number of in-house, commercial, and open-source tools and services to its users.

This SLA applies to the end-user services delivered by DCC, listed here

3. Service hours & exceptions

The service operates during the following hours: Technical services are provided in principle, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, however their supervised operations is only guaranteed during the business hours, Mon-Fri from 09:00-17:00 CE(S)T. Operation outside of guaranteed service hours is on a best effort basis.

The following exceptions apply:

  • Scheduled maintenance windows
    • The second Wednesday of each quarter (i.e. January, April, July, October), between 09:00-17:00 CE(S)T.
  • Basel Stadt’s public holidays (see web page)

4. Support

The services covered by the scope of this SLA are provided with the following level of support:

BioMedIT Service Desk

Operating hours: Mon-Fri from 09:00-17:00 CE(S)T

Contact email: biomedit@sib.notexisting@nodomain.comswiss 

Webpage BioMedIt

DCC delivers services from the federated BioMedIT infrastructure. Where incidents or service requests are submitted to DCC which actually are requests to other members of BioMedIT, they may be escalated to those organizations.

5. Service level targets

The following are the agreed service level targets for the services covered by this agreement.:

  • Overall service availability: 98% of guaranteed service hours for core services
  • Support Response times: 1 business day (e.g from the time received to the same time on the next business day) for requests sent to biomedit@sib.notexisting@nodomain.comswiss 

6. Limitations & constraints

The provisioning of the service under the agreed service level targets is subject to the following limitations and constraints:

  • Support is provided primarily in English.
  • Technical failure of Authentication and authorization infrastructure , which relies on a third party service provider, shall not be regarded as downtime.

7. Communication, reporting & escalation

7.1 General communication

The following contacts will be generally used for communications related to the services in the scope of this SLA:

Support contact (submit an incident or a service request) – biomedit@sib.notexisting@nodomain.comswiss

Customer contact: to discuss the overall service, its evolution and any agreements you may have related to it. - biomedit@sib.notexisting@nodomain.comswiss

7.2 Reporting

DCC can provide reporting on use and parameters of services on request.  

7.3 Complaints

Where an issue or concern is not addressed to the satisfaction of customers through normal support channels, the customers may raise the matter with the DCC team lead for the service in question. Customers may submit such complaints to dcc@sib.notexisting@nodomain.comswiss. If the customer remains dissatisfied, they can escalate the matter to the head of SPHN-DCC through the same channel.


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